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AP Class 10 Nutrition Notes

Nutrition Notes – AP Class 10 Nutrition Notes

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Nutrition Notes – AP Class 10 Nutrition Notes  – Key Points – Class 10 biology Unit-1

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Autotrophic nutrition involves the intake of simple inorganic materials like some minerals, water  from the soil. Some gases from the air. By using an external energy source like the Sun to synthesis complex high energy organic material.

• Photosynthesis is the process by which living plant cells containing chlorophyll, produce food substances [glucose & starch] from Carbon dioxide and water by using light energy. Plants release oxygen as a waste product during photosynthesis.

• The materials required for photosynthesis are light: Carbon dioxide, Water, photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll.

• Chloroplasts are the sites of photosynthesis. Light reaction takes place in the grana region and light independent reaction takes place in the stroma region.

• The end products of photosynthesis are Glucose water and Oxygen.

• During photosynthesis the important events which occurs in the chloroplast area) Conversion of light energy into chemical energy
b) Splitting of water molecule
c) Reduction of carbon dioxide to carbohydrates

Nutrition Notes – AP Class 10 Nutrition Notes 

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Class 10 biology Unit-1

• Heterotrophic Nutrition involves the intake of complex material prepared by other organisms.

• The form of nutrition differs depending on the type and availability of food material as well as how   it is obtained by the organism.

• In single celled organisms the food may be taken in by the entire surface but as the complexity of the organism increases different parts becomes specialized to perform different functions.

• The large complex food molecules such as carbohydrates, proteins , lipids, etc., are broken down in to simple molecules before they are absorbed and utilized by the animals. This process of breaking  down of complex molecules into simple molecule is called digestion.

• In human beings the food eaten is broken down in various steps with the help of enzymes secreted  by digestive glands which are associated with the alimentary canal and the digested food is absorbed  in small intestine to be sent to all cells in the body.

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Class 10 biology Unit-1

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