AP Class IV Notes-New books with Best Explanations – here we are providing complete text book activities along with comprehensions and class room activities. We are working to support our teachers and students to understand the text book in better way. AP Class 4 notes, AP New 4th class text books answers, 4th class notes, IV class text books solutions, ap class 4 text book solutions, class 4 text books solutions . class iv solutions.

AP Class IV Notes, AP Class 4 notes

Here is Subject wise Key points answer solutions for AP Class 4 notes all subjects .AP Class 4 notes, AP New 4th class text books answers, 4th class notes, IV class text books solutions, ap class 4 text book solutions, class 4 text books solutions . class iv solutions.

EVS  Lessons

1. Family

2. Green World

3. Animals Around Us

4. Sense Organs

5. Eat Together

6. Water

7. Professions and services

8. Transportation

9. Communication

10. Let us Visit

11. Where are we?

AP Class IV Notes  –  AP Class 4 Notes – English

Here is class 4 English notes by lessons – AP Class 4 notes, AP New 4th class text books answers, 4th class notes, IV class text books solutions, ap class 4 text book solutions, class 4 text books solutions . class iv solutions.

1. Three Butterflies 

2. Major Dhyan Chand

3. A Trip of Memories

4. Swami Vivekananda

5. The Magic Fish

6. The Seed of Truth

7. Birbal Caught the Thief

8. The Tree and the River

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